Display and zoom
Screen resolution
The minimum resolution to fully benefit from the application is 1920x1080.
If you are using a laptop which has not this resolution, you should consider using an external display.
The best experience is to use screens with wide resolutions:
How do I find the resolution of my screen?
Go to your desktop, right click and click on Display settings:
Then ensure that the scale is set to 100%:
Windows scale
Go to your desktop, right click and click on Display settings:
Then ensure that the scale is set to 100%:
Application zoom
You can change the zoom level of the application here:
Web browser zoom
It is not recommended to use the zoom of the web browser:
To reset the zoom of the browser you can use the shortcut: Ctrl + 0.
Troubleshooting with the data sheet panel
If you experience this kind of trouble:
You can unfreeze the panel like this:
Then the panel will be above the grid: