Table schema and items
Task | Name | Description |
Import Table Schema | table-import-schema | Import the structure of a Product-Live table. |
Export Table Schema | table-export-schema | Export the structure of a Product-Live table. |
Import Items | table-import-items | Import items into a Product-Live table. |
Export Items | table-export-items | Export items from a Product-Live table. |
Delete Items | table-delete-items | Delete items from a Product-Live table. |
Refresh Items | table-refresh-items | Refresh items in a Product-Live table. |
File transformation
Task | Name | Description |
Transform XSLT | file-transformation-xslt | Apply an XSLT transform to one or more XML files. |
Split XML | file-transformation-split-xml | Allows to split one XML file to multiple XML files. |
Merge XML | file-transformation-merge-xml | Allows to merge XML files into a single XML file. |
JSON transformation
Task | Name | Description |
JSON JQ Transform | json-transform-jq | Apply a JQ transformation to a JSON object. |
File conversion
Task | Name | Description |
XLSX to XML | file-conversion-xlsx-to-xml | Transform one or many .xlsx file to a generic .xml file. |
CSV to XML | file-conversion-csv-to-xml | Transform one or more CSV file to a generic XML file. |
JSON to XML | file-conversion-json-to-xml | Transform one or more JSON file to a generic XML file. |
Unarchive | file-conversion-unarchive | Uncompress files from .zip archive. |
File generation
Task | Name | Description |
Generate Excel | file-generation-xlsx | Generate one or many Excel file. |
Generate PDF | file-generation-pdf | Generate one or many PDF file. |
Generate Archive | file-generation-archive | Compress files in one or many .zip archive file. |
File validation
Task | Name | Description |
XSD | file-validation-xsd | Performs a XSD validation. |
Task | Name | Description |
FTP List | protocol-ftp-list | List files on a ftp/sftp server. |
FTP Get | protocol-ftp-get | Get one file or many files on a ftp/sftp server. |
FTP Post | protocol-ftp-post | Send one or many files on a ftp/sftp server. |
FTP Move | protocol-ftp-move | Move one or many files on a ftp/sftp server. |
FTP Delete | protocol-ftp-delete | Delete one or many files on a ftp/sftp server. |
Task | Name | Description |
HTTP API | protocol-http-perform | Allows to perform HTTP calls (future replacement of protocol-rest-perform ) |
REST API | protocol-rest-perform | Allows to perform HTTP calls to a REST API. |
SOAP API | protocol-soap-perform | Allows to perform SOAP calls over HTTP. |
Task | Name | Description |
Send Email | notification-send-email | Send emails programmatically. |
Display message | notification-display-message | Display HTML content in the actions panel. |
Rules engine
Task | Name | Description |
Import Rules | rules-engine-import-rules | Import rules of the rules engine. |
Execute Rules | rules-engine-execute-rules | Execute rules of the rules engine. |
Export Rules | rules-engine-export-rules | Export rules of the rules engine. |
Task | Name | Description |
Azure Storage List | azure-storage-blob-list | List blobs on a Microsoft Azure Storage. |
Azure Storage Put | azure-storage-blob-put | Put blobs on a Microsoft Azure Storage. |
Task | Name | Description |
Send Items | exchange-send-items | Send items during exchange with partners. |
Receive items | exchange-receive-items | Receive items during exchange with partners. |
Apply suggestions | exchange-apply-suggestions | Programmatically manage suggestions. |
Task | Name | Description |
Decision | decision | Similar to case...switch statement in a programming language. |
Terminate | terminate | Terminate a Job in Success or Error. |
Loop | loop | Perform a loop inside a Job. |
Code Execution
Task | Name | Description |
Execute Javascipt Code | code-execute-javascript | Execute javascript code. |
Task | Name | Description |
Create comment thread replies | data-create-comment-thread-replies | Create comment thread replies. |
Create comment threads | data-create-comment-threads | Create comment threads. |
Fetch accounts | data-fetch-accounts | Fetch accounts. |
Fetch comment threads | data-fetch-comment-threads | Fetch comment threads. |
Fetch job executions | data-fetch-job-executions | Fetch job executions. |
Fetch jobs | data-fetch-jobs | Fetch jobs. |
Fetch levels | data-fetch-levels | Fetch levels. |
Fetch partitions | data-fetch-partitions | Fetch partitions. |
Fetch suggestions | data-fetch-suggestions | Fetch suggestions. |
Fetch tables | data-fetch-tables | Fetch tables. |
Fetch users | data-fetch-users | Fetch users. |
Job Context
Task | Name | Description |
Fetch current account | job-fetch-current-account | Fetch the current account. |
Fetch current user | job-fetch-current-user | Fetch the current user. |